Struts Framework
This post we are going to learn struts framework advantages and disadvantages.
Struts framework is an open source web application framework, and developed by Apache Software Foundation.
- To develop Java based enterprise web application using MVC architecture.
- Struts framework is an action based presentation framework.
- Action based POJO (Plain Old Java Object).
- Struts framework is thread safe.
- It supports SOAP and REST based web services.
- Spring dependency injection.
- Hibernate ORM framework.
- Struts support AJAX and JQuery.
- Struts is an MVC framework.
- Struts framework provides custom tag libraries.
- Centralized file based configuration (XML or Property files).
- Form beans automatically populate JavaBean request parameters.
- HTML tags provides a set of custom JSP tags.
- Struts provide form field validation, it can be used in server side and client side validation.
- Lack of documentation.
- Slow performance due to various function calls.
- More learning.