Browse Author: rrmaha


This post we are going to learn about Docker advantages and disadvantages.

Docker is an open-source tool, which can be used for application deployment using lightweight containers, applications will work efficiently in different environments. Mainly used for the Agile based project.

Docker is a platform as a service (PaaS), Docker is a container, products utilize OS-level virtualization and it does not require or include a separate operating system. It builds on the features of the Linux kernel and uses resource isolation.


·    Docker containers support CI/CD implementation

·    Docker containers occupy less space

·    Fast boot-up time

·    Containers have a faster and better performance

·    Easy to scale up

·    High efficiency

·    Portal to across different platforms, Windows or Linux or Cloud


·    Connect to existing load balancing services/database

·    Docker is platform dependent

·    It has poor monitoring


Swagger provides documentation for API documentation and testing.

Swagger lets you describe your API structure.

REST/Microservices standards are easily understandable.

Real-time configuration modifications are reflected in the documentation.

Request, response and error codes can be implemented.


NodeJs is an open-source JavaScript library, which is used to develop user interface, it is one of the most popular JavaScript library

Node JS was developed by Ryan Dahl

Node JS is a used web application for server-side

Node JS is a single thread process and highly scalable

What is the difference between Amazon EC2 instance and Amazon S3?


This post we are going to learn about the difference between Amazon EC2 instance and Amazon S3.

EC2 Instance:

Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud), EC2 instance is like remote desktop running on Linux/Window or any other operating system. Also, we can install any software as we required, including the databases.

The EC2 instance system will be up all the time, EC2 instance required username password to access it. Using EC2 you can execute/run your programs (Remote machine).

Amazon S3:

Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service), Amazon S3 has been just a storage service to store and retrieve any volume of data. S3 data are stored in the cloud we can store huge amount of data (Giant hard drive/Remote hard disk).

nce between Amazon EC2 instance and Amazon S3?

How to create update the AWS Lambda function?

AWS Lambda function creation using AWS CLI or AMW Console.

Lambda Creation:
aws lambda create-function –function-name TEST_PROCESS –runtime java8 –role arn:aws:iam::123456789010:role/TestExecution –handler com.rrmaha.lambda.TestServicePipeline –zip-file fileb://TestLambdas.jar –memory-size 512 –timeout 300

Lambda Update:
aws lambda update-function-code –function-name TEST_PROCESS –zip-file fileb://TEST_PROCESS.jar

Lambda Backup:
aws lambda get-function  –function-name TEST_PROCESS  > TEST_PROCESS.jar

Lambda Delete:

aws lambda delete-function –function-name TEST_PROCESS 


This post we are going to learn about DevOps advantages and disadvantages.

DevOps (Software Development and Operations) is a set of processes that automate the build, deploy, test and release (Development, QA and Operations).


  • Increase the service quality
  • Continuous software delivery
  • Operations will be more efficient
  • Faster resolution of the problems
  • Stable operating environments
  • Improved communication, collaboration and customer experience


  • DevOps have limited transparency
  • Lack of domain knowledge
  • Many of the developers do not get access and they do not get much visibility in DevOps process including production environments server details.
  • Not suitable for legacy code
  • Require additional tools and hardware, which can add more operating cost.




This post we are going to learn about Docker advantages and disadvantages.

Docker is an open-source tool, which can be used for application deployment using lightweight containers, applications will work efficiently in different environments. Mainly used for the Agile based project.


·    Docker containers support CI/CD implementation

·    Docker containers occupy less space

·    Fast boot-up time

·    Containers have a faster and better performance

·    Easy to scale up

·    High efficiency

·    Portal to across different platforms, Windows or Linux or Cloud


·    Connect to existing load balancing services/database

·    Docker is platform dependent

·    It has poor monitoring


This post we are going to learn about AngularJS advantages and disadvantages.

AngularJS open source JavaScript web application framework maintained by Google. AngularJS that providing for client side model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, also capability to create Single Page Application (SPA) along with components commonly used for Rich Internet Application (RIA).


  • Client side MVC framework
  • Codes are fully testable
  • Two way data binding
  • It supports dependency injection
  • AngularJS use of custom directives
  • It will provide the capability to create Single Page Application (SPA)
  • AngularJS Reusable components
  • Cross browser support
  • It supports REST API
  • Client side templating
  • Filters
  • Deep linking
  • The AngularJS applications will run efficiently on all the devices like computers, mobiles and tablets including Android, iOS and Windows phones and tablets


  • AngularJS are not safe, server side authentication should be done very carefully
  • AngularJS application are not down gradable, one JavaScript is disabled, and whole application may get affected.
  • AngularJS will support modern browser and it will not support older version.
  • The client must enable JavaScript in browser.


Soon will get added.

This post we are going to learn about Microservices advantages and disadvantages.

Microservices is from service-oriented architecture, smaller services instead of one big application, the application will build as many smaller services, applications will run their own, also it can be using different coding/programming languages.

Microservices frameworks for Java – Spring Boot, Jersey, Swagger.


  • Replace the monolith application
  • Microservices applications are very small and easy to handle.
  • Container-based application, easy to develop, develop faster and deploy the services.
  • Each service can be developed in different languages.
  • Microservices we can use it for continuous delivery.
  • Easy to learn and lightweight


  • It will lead to too many services
  • Network latency
  • Too many processes and calls
  • Testing will be a bit complicated


ReactJS is an open source JavaScript library created by Facebook, which is used to develop the user interface, it is one the most popular JavaScript library.

ReactJS is not a framework

ReactJS is interactive UI in web and mobile application UI.


  • Easy to learn, use of JSX
  • Quick development
  • Simple design using JSX
  • Better user experience and its using virtual DOM implementation
  • One-way data binding
  • It uses server-side rendering
  • Only View part of MVC


  • It is Java Script library not a framework
  • Coding will get complex, most of the syntaxes must be JavaScript nature
  • Learning curve is bit high for new developers